What We Do
We do: Provide a system of organization
We do: Connect with clients regularly to make sure they are meeting milestones and moving forward
We do: Help evaluate client’s college list and target the right schools (ultimately the list is up to the client)
We do: Help with ongoing communication with coaches
We do: Prepare clients for phone calls and meetings with coaches
We do: Help clients to choose the best showcases & events and camps and clinic to fit their needs
We do: Edit highlight videos for clients (there is an additional fee for video editing)
What We Do Not Do
We do not: Guarantee that clients will play field hockey in college or will be offered a roster spot/scholarship
Consultants are not: available to meet beyond the scope of the package you purchased
We do not: provide scheduled updates, but you are welcome to ask for an update at anytime. Please contact Phoebe via email at phopkins@playcollegefieldhockey.com for an update on your child’s process.
We do not: write emails for you - you are responsible for responding to coaches, PCFH will review your drafts and suggest edits for you to make before you send your emails
It is up to you to schedule appointments and complete the steps Phoebe assigns you.